Gothenburg Centre for Person Centred Care

Narrative Project
Primary investigators:
Nicky Britten PhD
Axel Wolf PhD
Oncel Naldemirci PhD,
Kerstin Ulin PhD,
Helen Lloyd DPhil
This study aims to investigate the processes of narrative elicitation and documentation as they unfold in the GPCC model. In our earlier project, the processes of documentation emerged as challenging because of the misfit between the biomedical frame within which medical records are constructed and the idiosyncratic experiences of individuals’ experiences (Britten et al., 2016; Naldemirci et al., 2016). The impetus of the study is to examine how the PCC approach of prioritizing the patients’ life-world, goals and capabilities shapes the elicitation and documentation of narratives, and to explore the ways these practices are similar with or differ from standard forms used for medical histories. More concretely, this study will analyze the narrative interviewing methods the health professionals have developed since the implementation of the GPCC model, investigate which aspects of narrative elicitation and documentation could be further developed to suit both the PCC approach and the normative requirements of the admission procedure.
PhD Candidates:
Ben Fosh (UK)
Unassigned (Sweden)
Core supervisory Team:
Helen Lloyd, Dphil
Anna Dencker, PhD
Additional supervisors:
James Close, DPhil
Chris Gibbons, DPhil
This project involves the collaboration of two joined PhD projects. The purpose of this research is to develop a state of the art patient reported tool to measure systems and experience of care and accelerate the implementation of person centred coordinated care using data driven interactive feedback.
Within the UK, Research Graduate Ben Fosh, is developing a computer adaptive measure examining patient reported experiences of person centred care. This approach sees person centred care as an overarching group of concepts, where person centred care is both a process and an outcome. Domains coverage reflects current research literature, with patient and public involvement, and healthcare professional involvement to ensure the tool is developed to be suitable for both patients and practitioners, while reflecting the complexity of person centred care in research literature.
Within Sweden, the MOSAIC team have developed a Rasch calibrated fatigue itembank, from commonly used fatigue legacy scales. This itembank uses a computer adaptive testing software (SmartCAT) to measure fatigue with a minimal number of items, typically three. The Swedish candidate will be responsible for translating the PREM-CAT into Swedish, and supporting the further development and integration of the fatigue measure into the measurement tool.
Helen Lloyd is currently Director of Studies for the UK Project. Anna Dencker is currently Director of Studies for the Swedish project.