Useful Resources
This quick guide provides an overview of how to use metrics, measures and insights to develop and evaluate Person Centred Coordinated Care (P3C) for people living with Long Term Conditions (LTCs), Multiple Long Term Conditions (MLTCs) (also referred as multimorbidity) and those who are approaching the End of their Life (EoL). It is also designed as a navigational tool to be used along with the detailed guide.
P3C Comissioners guide
Check out these links for more information!
Organisational Change Dashboard
The organisational Change Tool (OCT) Dashboard is an an evidence based measure of progress towards delivering P3C from an organisational perspective. It provides a wealth of data that can be used for a variety of reasons. The tool aims to support various parties that are implementing P3C. It lets you see what others are doing to implement P3C, and whether they think it is working. In this way, it can help you determine what might be the next steps for you to further implement P3C in your organisation.
P3C Compendium
The website is a compendium of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) that can be utilised within programs that aim to deliver or evaluate person centred and coordinated care (P3C). We have taken a broad approach to the tools that might be of utility, dividing the compendium of measures into P3C-PRMs and QoL (Quality of Life) measures.
P3C patient experience measure
The P3C experience measure (P3CEQ) is an 11 item measure designed to assess patient experiences of person centred coordinated care. The P3CEQ is available in English, German, Norwegian, Dutch, Estonian, Spanish, and Catalan. The P3CEQ is free to use but we do ask you to complete the copyright document.