Person Centred
Coordinated Care (P3C)
Co-creating healthcare
What is P3C?
Person-centred care is an approach to healthcare that values people as individuals and equals, each with unique qualities and skills. It forms a core aim of the NHS for the improvement of healthcare quality, with national and international policy promoting person-centred approaches for the delivery of healthcare.
Person centred coordinated care (or P3C) is similar to person centred care, but emphasising the importance of coordinating care between (and across) services. This is especially salient for people with long-term health conditions, who often receive care and treatment from numerous services – including health and/or social care.
We define P3C as ‘care that is guided by and organized effectively around the needs and preferences of the individual and their support network’.
why P3C matters
Fragmentation and poor care coordination are ongoing problems for health and social care systems. These issues have the greatest impact on individuals who rely on healthcare services most, such as older people and those with complex health and social needs. P3C has the potential to improve healthcare quality, efficiencies and outcomes through developing modern integrative care systems that are built around the individual.
P3C promotes a philosophy of personal empowerment, dignity and respect, emphasing that good quality care has to be tailored to the needs and preferences of individuals.
Trials of person centred care have established quicker recovery times, reduced hospital stays, better symptom relief and improved wellbeing. Studies include people with arthritis, hip-replacement, chronic heart failure, acute coronary syndrome, cancer, palliative care, and dementia, as well as other areas. These studies of person-centred care in single long term conditions are important, but P3C may be even more powerful in improving care for people with multiple conditions. This is the central focus of our work. It is being investigated through a number of interlinked work packages, seeking to: 1) develop a conceptual framework for P3C, 2) study the implementation of these models of care, 3) advance the measurement of P3C and 4) share this learning with organisations to improve care delivery and outcomes.
Externally funded research
Find out more about our external research and funding

The development of a compendium of measures assessing Quality of Life and patient-reported experiences and patient reported outcomes.
The objective of this study was to develop evidence-based guidance and support for the use of P3C-PRMs in health and social care policy
NIHR HSDR realist review
A realist evidence synthesis of multispeciality community providers (MCPs). This work outlines a logic model for achieiving the policy outcomes MCPs are intended to achieve.
This work supports understanding the preconditions for success, learning from other countries and related organising principles.
Georgia is a bold and elegant font that is highly readable, even on smaller screens. So it’s ideal for mobile.
Georgia is a bold and elegant font that is highly readable, even on smaller screens. So it’s ideal for mobile.
Georgia is a bold and elegant font that is highly readable, even on smaller screens. So it’s ideal for mobile.

Improvement & Evaluation
Here are some of the P3C development and evaluation projects we have been involved in.

Collaborative Research
Find out more about the large scale collaboration projects we're involved in

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